Wednesday, April 13, 2011

BIg Love = over

   I was recently quite wrapped up in the final faculty show for the college.  Big Love has nothing to do with the television series. It is a play by Charles Mee and revolves around three of fifty (yes, 50) sisters who are trying to avoid marrying their cousins. After a good deal of protestation, mayhem ensues and the show ends.  My husband directed the show and I designed and built the costumes.
    Here are a few shot from the show.
Did I mention that the grooms drop in from a helicopter?

Giuliano was the most lovable character in the entire play

Tomatoes represent good sons and bad...

pre-wedding pep talk

I was drowning in white satin

I love the look of fear on his face and distain/disgust on hers.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently the production of Big Love we did at Berkeley Rep (before my time) was responsible for a huge raise in insurance rates for the company. The actors kept filing workers' comp claims, because they had to have cake extracted from their ears.
