Things that can be good about autism
We never need another address book because our son knows everyone's address by heart
My son has a truly photographic memory - seeing the whole page or picture in his head.
My son's autism forces me to see the world differently - more literally, more comparatively
I know if I make chicken nuggets they will always be eaten
Things that stink about autism:
Melt Downs - no two ways about it, these are the worst. Especially the self-injurious ones which spiral from yelling, to swearing, to hitting himself, to hitting his sister, to hitting me
My son's great desire to be on a team (good) but his inability to cope with the stress and confusion of meets or invitationals
The abject fear that occurs when new things happen, or are anticipated.
The complete obsession with how much homework might be assigned getting in the way of school work and participation in class
Never knowing if ANYONE will say yes to a birthday invitation - last year only two did